1.Time of Brand Establishment: 1938 2.Brand Introduction: Founded in 1938, the Butterfly Valley Winery is located on the southeast coast of Melbourne, a wealthy region in southeast Australia, which is only 20 kilometers away from the south coast. The name comes from a valley in the east of the winery that is surrounded by a large number of butterflies with different colors all year round.
3.Brand History: Founded in 1938, the Butterfly Valley Winery in Australia occupies an area of more than 200 hectares for grapes planting. The superior geographical location and unique climate produce the high-quality grapes in the winery. The annual output of the quality wine is about 4,000 tons. In 2015, the Butterfly Valley Winery reached a strategic cooperation with the Shandong Butterfly Valley wine industry to accelerate the speed of expanding the wine market in China. 1.品牌建立時間:1938年 2.品牌介紹:始創于1938年蝴蝶谷酒莊位于墨爾本東南海岸,這是澳大利亞東南部一個富裕的地區,距離南部海岸只有20公里。這個名字來自酒廠東邊的一個山谷,一年四季都有許多不同顏色的蝴蝶環繞著它。 3.品牌史:1938年創立澳大利亞的蝴蝶谷葡萄酒廠占地200多公頃,用于種植葡萄。優越的地理位置和獨特的氣候造就了釀酒廠優質的葡萄。這種優質葡萄酒的年產量約為4000噸。2015年,蝴蝶谷酒莊與山東蝴蝶谷葡萄酒業達成戰略合作,加快了中國葡萄酒市場的擴張速度。 |